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Galeria de Fotos Moscou (Rússia) 05 de dezembro de 2008:

Adormecimento em Cristo de S. B. ALEXIS II,
Patriarca de Moscou e Toda a Rússia.

O Patriarca Alexis II, 79 anos, faleceu em sua residência em Peredelkino, nas proximidades de Moscou.

De origem alemã, filho de um sacerdote ortodoxo russo exilado, Alexey Rüdiger nasceu em uma família aristocrática, em Tallinn, na Estônia em 1929.

Durante a II Guerra Mundial, a Estônia foi sucessivamente ocupada pela URSS, pela Alemanha e novamente pela URSS, que anexou o país ao fim do conflito. Vocacionado para o sacerdócio, Alexey Rüdiger estudou no Seminário e na Academia Teológica de Leningrado (atual São Petersburgo) entre 1947 e 1953. Em 1950, Alexey Rüdiger foi ordenado diácono e, pouco depois, presbítero. Em 1961, foi consagrado Bispo de Tallinn. Em 1986, foi elevado a Metropolita de São Petersburgo e, em 1990, nas primeiras eleições patriarcais livres de interferência estatal desde a revolução comunista de 1917, Alexis foi eleito Patriarca de Moscou e de Toda a Rússia.

Durante seu patriarcado, a Igreja da Rússia começou a sua reconstrução, depois de décadas de intensa perseguição estatal. Entre as inúmeras boas ações de seu pontificado, podem-se ressaltar: a glorificação oficial dos Santos Novos Mártires e Confessores da Rússia; a reconstrução de milhares de igrejas e mosteiros fechados ou destruídos durante a era soviética (das quais a Igreja do Cristo Salvador em Moscou é talvez o melhor símbolo); a construção de milhares de outras novas igrejas e mosteiros (dentre as quais talvez as mais marcantes tenham sido a Igreja da Ressurreição e dos Santos Novos Mártires, em Butovo e a Igreja-Sobre-o-Sangue em Honra de Todos os Santos que Brilharam na Terra Russa, em Ekaterinburgo); o retorno de milhões de russos -- incluindo incontáveis jovens -- à fé ortodoxa de seus antepassados, após gerações de educação atéia; a reconstrução de uma vigorosa imprensa ortodoxa, incluindo a presença ativa da Igreja nos meios de comunicação social como televisão, rádio etc.; a reativação da educação ortodoxa na Rússia, tanto nas igrejas quanto dentro das escolas, inclusive públicas; a restauração da influência da Igreja sobre a sociedade, o Estado e a opinião pública russas; e o restabelecimento da plena unidade canônica entre o Patriarcado de Moscou e a Igreja Russa no Exterior.

A casket of late Patriarch Alexy's body is placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral December 7, 2008. Russian Orthodox Christians flocked to pay tribute to Patriarch Alexiy II on Sunday as he lay in state in a Moscow cathedral, thanking him for the revival of the faith after decades of communist repression. Alexiy II, enthroned in 1990 a year before the demise of the Soviet Union, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) The coffin of Patriarch Alexiy lies in state in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, December 6, 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church chose Metropolitan Kirill as an interim leader on Saturday after the death of Patriarch Alexiy II, a move that could open the way for more cooperation with Catholics. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Leading clerics of Russia's Orthodox Church hold a mourning service for Patriarch Alexiy as he is laying in state in his residence in Peredelkino outside Moscow, December 6, 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church chose Metropolitan Kirill as an interim leader on Saturday after the death of Patriarch Alexiy II, a move that could open the way for more cooperation with Catholics. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Clerics lead a mourning service for Patriarch Alexiy in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, December 6, 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church chose Metropolitan Kirill as an interim leader on Saturday after the death of Patriarch Alexiy II, a move that could open the way for more cooperation with Catholics. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Russian Orthodox nuns are seen standing besides the casket of the late Patriarch Alexy II, foreground, as he lies in repose at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by AP)
Russian Orthodox Church believers bid farewell to the late Patriarch Alexy II, center, whose casket is placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by Misha Japaridze) Russian first lady Svetlana Medvedeva mourns near a casket with late Patriarch Alexy's body, foreground, placed for public viewing in Moscow Christ the Savior Cathedral, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by STR) A casket with the late Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Alexy's body is seen placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by Misha Japaridze) Epiphany Cathedral  (onde o corpo do Patriarca será sepulado na próxima terça-feira) Russian Orthodox Church believers line up outside Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, background, late Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008, to bid farewell to the late Patriarch Alexy II, whose casket is placed for public viewing in the cathedral. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by Misha Japaridze)
Russia's chief mufti, or Islamic religious leader, Talgan Tadzhuddin, prays near a casket with late Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy's body, foreground, placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by STR) Russian Orthodox believers hold candles in memory of late Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II at Christ the Saviour cathedral in Moscow on December 5, 2008. Alexy II, the conservative Orthodox patriarch who oversaw a post-Soviet renaissance of the Russian Church yet was steadily criticised as subservient to the Kremlin, died at 79, the church said. The top hierarchy of the Church, which counts millions of believers around the world, was to meet on december 6, to appoint a temporary "guardian" of the patriarch's throne and start a process in which contenders have been jostling on the sidelines for years. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images) The coffin of Patriarch Alexiy lies in state in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, December 6, 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church chose Metropolitan Kirill as an interim leader on Saturday after the death of Patriarch Alexiy II, a move that could open the way for more cooperation with Catholics. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Russian Orthodox believers stand in front of a portrait of late Patriarch Alexy's as they pay tribute to him in a Moscow's Church December 7, 2008. Russian Orthodox Christians flocked to pay tribute to Patriarch Alexiy II on Sunday as he lay in state in a Moscow cathedral, thanking him for the revival of the faith after decades of communist repression. Alexiy II, enthroned in 1990 a year before the demise of the Soviet Union, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) A Russian Orthodox believer places a candle in front of a portrait of late Patriarch Alexy at a church in Moscow December 7, 2008. Russian Orthodox Christians flocked to pay tribute to Patriarch Alexiy II on Sunday as he lay in state in a Moscow cathedral, thanking him for the revival of the faith after decades of communist repression. Alexiy II, enthroned in 1990 a year before the demise of the Soviet Union, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS)
Russian Orthodox church believers approach the casket of the late Patriarch Alexy II, center, placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by Misha Japaridze) Russian Orthodox church believers pass by a casket of late Patriarch Alexy's body placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral December 7, 2008. Russian Orthodox Christians flocked to pay tribute to Patriarch Alexiy II on Sunday as he lay in state in a Moscow cathedral, thanking him for the revival of the faith after decades of communist repression. Alexiy II, enthroned in 1990 a year before the demise of the Soviet Union, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Russian Orthodox church believers and clerics stand by a casket of late Patriarch Alexy's body placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral December 7, 2008. Russian Orthodox Christians flocked to pay tribute to Patriarch Alexiy II on Sunday as he lay in state in a Moscow cathedral, thanking him for the revival of the faith after decades of communist repression. Alexiy II, enthroned in 1990 a year before the demise of the Soviet Union, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Russian Orthodox church believers pay tribute to late Patriarch Alexy in Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral December 7, 2008. Russian Orthodox Christians flocked to pay tribute to Patriarch Alexiy II on Sunday as he lay in state in a Moscow cathedral, thanking him for the revival of the faith after decades of communist repression. Alexiy II, enthroned in 1990 a year before the demise of the Soviet Union, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Russian Orthodox church believers stand by a casket of late Patriarch Alexy's body placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral December 7, 2008. Russian Orthodox Christians flocked to pay tribute to Patriarch Alexiy II on Sunday as he lay in state in a Moscow cathedral, thanking him for the revival of the faith after decades of communist repression. Alexiy II, enthroned in 1990 a year before the demise of the Soviet Union, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS)
28. A casket with late Patriarch Alexy II is placed inside Moscow Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and Tuesday's funeral. (From AP Photo by Misha Japaridze) 30. MOSCOW - DECEMBER 7: Orthodox Russians pay tribute to late Patriarch Alexy II, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, at Christ The Saviour Cathedral on December 7, 2008 in Moscow, Russia. The conservative Orthodox patriarch led the church in its resurgence post-Soviet Union but came under fire for pampering to the Kremlin. (From Getty Images) 31. MOSCOW - DECEMBER 7: A child pays tribute to late Patriarch Alexy II, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, at Christ The Saviour Cathedral on December 7, 2008 in Moscow, Russia. The conservative Orthodox patriarch led the church in its resurgence post-Soviet Union but came under fire for pampering to the Kremlin. (From Getty Images) 32. MOSCOW - DECEMBER 7: Orthodox Russians pay tribute to late Patriarch Alexy II, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, at Christ The Saviour Cathedral on December 7, 2008 in Moscow, Russia. The conservative Orthodox patriarch led the church in its resurgence post-Soviet Union but came under fire for pampering to the Kremlin. (From Getty Images) 33. A clergyman kisses the body of Patriarch Alexiy II as he is laying in state in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow December 6, 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church chose Metropolitan Kirill as an interim leader on Saturday after the death of Patriarch Alexiy II, a move that could open the way for more cooperation with Catholics. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS)
34. Nuns mourn during a ceremony for Patriarch Alexiy II as he is laying in state in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow December 6, 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church chose Metropolitan Kirill as an interim leader on Saturday after the death of Patriarch Alexiy II, a move that could open the way for more cooperation with Catholics. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) 35. Clergymen carry the coffin of Patriarch Alexiy II as he is laying in state in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow December 6, 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church chose Metropolitan Kirill as an interim leader on Saturday after the death of Patriarch Alexiy II, a move that could open the way for more cooperation with Catholics. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) 36. Belivers hold portraits of late Patriarch Alexy II, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, during a farewell ceremony in Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, on December 6, 2008. Alexy, 79, died at his secluded residence. No cause of death was announced officially, but state news agency RIA Novosti, quoting Church sources it did not name, said he had died of a heart attack. The funeral of Patriarch Alexy II is expected to take place in Moscow on December 9, 2008. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images) 37. Russian Orthodox church leading clerics conferring at late Patriarch Alexy's residence Peredelkino, a village outside Moscow, Saturday, Dec. 6, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18-years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was to be taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by STR) 38. MOSCOW, RUSSIA - DECEMBER 06: Orthodox Russians mourn the late Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II at Christ The Saviour Cathedral on December 06, 2008 in Moscow, Russia. The conservative Orthodox patriarch led the church in its resurgence post-Soviet Union but came under fire for pampering to the Kremlin. (From Getty Images)
39. MOSCOW, RUSSIA - DECEMBER 06: Orthodox Russians mourn the late Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II at Christ The Saviour Cathedral on December 06, 2008 in Moscow, Russia. The conservative Orthodox patriarch led the church in its resurgence post-Soviet Union but came under fire for pampering to the Kremlin. (From Getty Images) 40. Russian belivers pray during a farewell ceremony for the late Patriarch Alexy II, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, in Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, on December 6, 2008. Alexy, 79, died at his secluded residence. No cause of death was announced officially, but state news agency RIA Novosti, quoting Church sources it did not name, said he had died of a heart attack. The funeral of Patriarch Alexy II is expected to take place in Moscow on December 9, 2008. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images) 42. A woman carries flowers in front of a residence of Patriarch Alexy II, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, outside Moscow on December 6, 2008. Alexy, 79, died at his secluded residence. No cause of death was announced officially, but state news agency RIA Novosti, quoting Church sources it did not name, said he had died of a heart attack. The funeral of Patriarch Alexy II is expected to take place in Moscow on December 9, 2008. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images) 43. Belivers light candles in front of the residence of the late Patriarch Alexy II, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, near Moscow on December 6, 2008. Alexy, 79, died at his secluded residence. No cause of death was announced officially, but state news agency RIA Novosti, quoting Church sources it did not name, said he had died of a heart attack. The funeral of Patriarch Alexy II is expected to take place in Moscow on December 9, 2008. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images) 45. MOSCOW, RUSSIA - DECEMBER 06: Russian Orthodox mourn the late Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II at Christ The Saviour Cathedral on December 06, 2008 in Moscow, Russia. The conservative Orthodox patriarch led the church in its resurgence post-Soviet Union but came under fire for pampering to the Kremlin. (From Getty Images)
46. MOSCOW, RUSSIA - DECEMBER 06: Russian Orthodox mourn the late Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II at Christ The Saviour Cathedral on December 06, 2008 in Moscow, Russia. The conservative Orthodox patriarch led the church in its resurgence post-Soviet Union but came under fire for pampering to the Kremlin. (From Getty Images) 48. People attend a service in honour of late Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II in Znamensky Cathedral in Kursk, some 500 km (311 miles) south of Moscow, December 5, 2008. Patriarch Alexiy II, a staunch conservative who revived Russia's Orthodox Church after the collapse of communism and clashed with Rome over Catholic missionary activity, died on Friday at the age of 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) 50. Young Orthodox believers cross themselves during a service in memory of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II who died Friday, at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Friday, Dec. 5, 2008. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II, who presided over a vast post-Soviet revival of faith but struggled against the influence of other churches, died Friday at age 79. (From AP Photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko) 51. Priests attend a service in honour of late Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II in Znamensky Cathedral in Kursk, some 500 km (311 miles) south of Moscow, December 5, 2008. Patriarch Alexiy II, a staunch conservative who revived Russia's Orthodox Church after the collapse of communism and clashed with Rome over Catholic missionary activity, died on Friday at the age of 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) 53. Nuns attend a service in honour of the late Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour December 5, 2008. Patriarch Alexiy II, a staunch conservative who revived Russia's Orthodox Church after the collapse of communism and clashed with Rome over Catholic missionary activity, died on Friday at the age of 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS)
54. Nuns attend a service in honour of the late Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour December 5, 2008. Patriarch Alexiy II, a staunch conservative who revived Russia's Orthodox Church after the collapse of communism and clashed with Rome over Catholic missionary activity, died on Friday at the age of 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) 55. CROPPED VERSION - Russian Orthodox believers hold candles in memory of late Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II at Christ the Saviour cathedral in Moscow on December 5, 2008. Alexy II, the conservative Orthodox patriarch who oversaw a post-Soviet renaissance of the Russian Church yet was steadily criticised as subservient to the Kremlin, died at 79, the church said. The top hierarchy of the Church, which counts millions of believers around the world, was to meet on december 6, to appoint a temporary "guardian" of the patriarch's throne and start a process in which contenders have been jostling on the sidelines for years. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images) 56. A Belarusian Orthodox believer lights a candle in a church in front of a portrait of Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Alexy II, in Minsk, Belarus, Friday, Dec. 5, 2008. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II, who presided over a vast post-Soviet revival of faith but struggled against the influence of other churches, died Friday at age 79. (From AP Photo by SERGEI GRITS) A Russian Orthodox nun holds a candle whilewhile praying for the late Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II at a church in Moscow on December 5, 2008. Alexy II, the conservative Orthodox patriarch who oversaw a post-Soviet renaissance of the Russian Church yet was steadily criticised as subservient to the Kremlin, died at 79, the church said. The top hierarchy of the Church, which counts millions of believers around the world, was to meet on december 6, to appoint a temporary "guardian" of the patriarch's throne and start a process in which contenders have been jostling on the sidelines for years. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images) Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople kisses the body of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow December 9, 2008. Russia bade farewell on Tuesday to Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II at a grand, pomp-filled funeral ceremony, with speakers praising him for reviving the nation's Christian faith after decades of communist atheism. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS)
Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin kisses the body of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow December 9, 2008. Russia bade farewell on Tuesday to Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II at a grand, pomp-filled funeral ceremony, with speakers praising him for reviving the nation's Christian faith after decades of communist atheism. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Clergymen lead the funeral service of Patriarch Alexiy II in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow December 9, 2008. Russia bade farewell on Tuesday to Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II at a grand, pomp-filled funeral ceremony, with speakers praising him for reviving the nation's Christian faith after decades of communist atheism. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Clergymen carry the coffin of Patriarch Alexiy II outside Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow December 9, 2008. Russia bade farewell on Tuesday to Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II at a grand funeral ceremony at which speakers praised him for reviving the nation's Christian faith after decades of communist atheism. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) A casket with the body of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II is carried after a religious procession during a funeral ceremony at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2008. Candles flickered and white-robed elders chanted prayers as Russia bade farewell Tuesday to Patriarch Alexy II, who guided the country's dominant Russian Orthodox Church through its remarkable recovery after decades of Communist-era oppression. (From AP Photo by STR) A Russian Orthodox believer holds a candle and a portrait of late Patriarch Alexy II inside the Epiphany Cathedral in Moscow on December 10, 2008. Russia on December 9 buried its first Orthodox patriarch of post-Soviet times in an epic funeral ceremony reflecting the Church's resurgence and close Kremlin ties after the fall of communism. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images)
Russian Orthodox believers pay their last respects to Patriarch Alexy II inside the Epiphany Cathedral in Moscow on December 10, 2008. Russia on December 9 buried its first Orthodox patriarch of post-Soviet times in an epic funeral ceremony reflecting the Church's resurgence and close Kremlin ties after the fall of communism. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images) Russian Orthodox nuns attend the funeral proceedings of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II at Christ the Saviour cathedral in Moscow on December 9, 2008. Russia was burying its first Orthodox patriarch of post-Soviet times, in a epic funeral ceremony that ushers in a new era for a Church now closely tied to the Kremlin. (From Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images)      
47. A young Orthodox believer lights a candle during a service in memory of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II who died Friday, at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Friday, Dec. 5, 2008. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II, who presided over a vast post-Soviet revival of faith but struggled against the influence of other churches, died Friday at age 79. (From AP Photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko) 49. Orthodox believers light candles during a service in memory of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II who died Friday, at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Friday, Dec. 5, 2008. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II, who presided over a vast post-Soviet revival of faith but struggled against the influence of other churches, died Friday at age 79. (From AP Photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko)
52. A priest attends a service in honour of the late Orthodox Patriarch Alexiy II in Moscow's Danilovsky Monastery December 5, 2008. Patriarch Alexiy II, a staunch conservative who revived Russia's Orthodox Church after the collapse of communism and clashed with Rome over Catholic missionary activity, died on Friday at the age of 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Russian Orthodox church clerics and believers stand around the casket of the late Patriarch Alexy II, center, placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From AP Photo by AP) Russian Orthodox believers pray as a portrait of late Patriarch Alexy is seen in the foreground at a church in Moscow December 7, 2008. Russian Orthodox Christians flocked to pay tribute to Patriarch Alexiy II on Sunday as he lay in state in a Moscow cathedral, thanking him for the revival of the faith after decades of communist repression. Alexiy II, enthroned in 1990 a year before the demise of the Soviet Union, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 79. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS) Russian Orthodox church clerics and believers stand around the casket of the late Patriarch Alexy II, center, placed for public viewing in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Alexy II, who died Friday at age 79, led the church for 18 years, from the last year of the officially atheistic Soviet Union through a massive revival that saw it become the world's largest Orthodox church. Alexy's body was taken Saturday to the huge Christ the Savior Cathedral for three days of public viewing and a Tuesday funeral. (From  AP Photo by STR) Metropolitan Kirill attends a mourning service for Patriarch Alexiy in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, December 6, 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church chose Metropolitan Kirill as an interim leader on Saturday after the death of Patriarch Alexiy II, a move that could open the way for more cooperation with Catholics. (From Reuters Pictures by REUTERS)
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